Verify the accuracy of your listings on Google and other sites for free.

Don’t let errors cost you customers.

List your business for FREE on YP! Get Started »
Business Profile Business Profile

Business Profile

91% of YP users contacted a business, most within 24 hours

91% of YP users contacted a business, most within 24 hours.1

Nearly 40 million consumers visit each month.2 That’s nearly 40 million reasons you need Business Profile.

Claim your Business Profile today and get listed for free on YP. Build profile strength, respond to reviews and engage an audience like no other.

Business Listings

Business Listings

73% of consumers lose trust when a business’s online listing is in accurate.4

Don’t let listing errors and reputation issues bite you right in the revenue.

Get listed accurately on 60+ search destinations, publish engaging content to all your listings at once, and monitor social conversations all from one easy dashboard.

Business Listings ypPresence℠ Plus
ypPresence℠ Plus ypPresence℠ Plus

Business Website

93% of consumers who search on mobile will make a purchase — half of them within the hour

93% of consumers who search on mobile will make a purchase — half of them within the hour.3

If your website isn’t mobile- and SEO-friendly, let’s enhance your online presence.

Mobile consumers expect mobile-friendly websites, and so does Google’s search ranking formula. Make sure buyers can find and use your site easily on all devices.

Business Video

53% of consumers that saw a business video contacted that store within a month

53% of consumers that saw a business video contacted that store within a month; 71% of those consumers made a purchase.5

Don’t tell customers about your business. Show them what makes it great.

When it comes to building trust, showcasing your local brand, and driving more conversion with consumers, nothing compares to professionally-produced video.

professionally produced video professionally produced video
Make that first impression last

Make that first
impression last.

Online marketing is like speed-dating—you’ve got just seconds to persuade someone that you’re worth a longer look. Maximize these moments with a better business profile, an SEO- and mobile-friendly website, complete and accurate online listings, and professionally produced video.

Stop guessing. Start growing.

See how businesses like yours succeed online.

Card image

“Before YP, we had real trouble getting clients in the door. Now, we get so many calls every day with potential clients saying things like, ‘Oh, I saw you online. Can I come in?”

Khan Law Firm – Nas Khan

Card image

“In today’s world, it’s just so important to be online and to utilize the tools that YP search advertising gives us. I would definitely recommend YP to others – and I have!”

Sudden Impact Auto Body – Jose Guitierrez

Card image

“We grew, from to June to July, almost forty percent. From year-to-year, our sales are up over sixty-six percent.”

Sudden Impact Auto Body – Jose Guitierrez

“Fingers crossed” is
not a marketing plan.

Say goodbye to gambling and guesswork. Get better leads that turn into loyal customers. And be more confident your budget is working for you.

marketing expertise and solutions

Marketing expertise
you can trust.

We partner with industry-recognized companies and leaders to provide trusted marketing expertise and solutions.

Get found fast, even
when they’re on the go.

When you’re listed on the YP app, consumers can always find you, even when they’re on the go. And you can quickly connect with them from anywhere. It’s free!

you can quickly connect with them from anywhere
Want to know more about advertising your business with YP? Give us a call at 1-800-573-0059
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